Be sure your volume is on 100%!
This week has flown by, like normal. We are chasing Ace around, trying to teach G to do right and not wrong, and still maintain my sanity...highly unlikely:) Sunday we went to church and started a new Sunday School class, Parenting the Early Years. I think there is still hope for us! So far we really like the class and Pastor George is teaching and he is so "normal". I feel like he is just like us, been given some awesome children on loan from God and just trying our best to raise them the way God intended. Seems so easy when you write it out but man the saying "Easier said than done" fits this to a T!
Monday G went to school and they walked to Lakeside and we met there to pick them up. We picked her up and enjoyed the afternoon by having a picnic and walking around the park. This weather lately has been awesome! I love Fall and so does G! She constantly talks about pumpkins and always wants to sit outside in the evening and tell "Ghost stories". They are rated like -G, not like I am wanting to have her start with night horrors or anything.
This week we have been having people work on replacing the concrete on our patio in the backyard, so needless to say both beans have been standing by the window watching. Ace likes to hide behind the curtain and giggles when the men laugh at him! What a ham already!
My highlight of the week was on Wednesday. We got home from dropping G off at school and turned on QVC and made some coffee. They were talking abour Tassi's. They asked if you had them to call in on the testimonial line so I didnt just jump, I high jumped at the chance! (cheesy I know but just trying to give you a mental shot of what I was going through!) The operator asked a few questions about me and the product and then said to turn off the volume on the TV, as it is delayed by some many seconds. So I hit the DVR button on my remote, naturally because I plan to show it to anyone who comes to my house. I went on-air with Mary Beth and talked about the product. I giggled and over used the word "Yeah" but I dont care because in my eyes I am one step closer to being a QVC host, my ultimate dream:) Oh and BTW, G asks to watch the snippet at least 3x a day! Proud of her TV mommy!
This morning we went on a short walk with Nana and then headed down to The Well for some coffee and breakfast goodies for the beans. We got a cinnamon roll and banana to share and Nana got a bagel and latte. We were pleasantly surprised when we got there because we saw Dave and Liz, my friend who is pregnant with twin girlies and she is so adorable! I cant wait to meet her little miracles:) Dave got a muffin and sat down to catch up with us as well. We ate and then went over to the childrens area and looked at books and the Sock Monkey collection. I ♥ sock monkeys:) They had a racoon made with sock monkey material and it was so adorable! Luke has the New Hope golf tournament today so he has been gone since 7am. This evening we are going on a date!!! It includes dinner and kid free grocery shopping! I am stoked.
Funny things G has said: We were watching Nick Jr (our TV never leaves this channel except at nap time and it goes straight over to QVC and then back to Nick Jr around 3:30) and I guess today is Worldwide Play outside Day and so they just keep repeating "Go outside and enjoy the weather. We will be off air from 12-3"...or something of that nature. G, in her ever sassy voice, says " I am so sick and tired of them saying that. Please dont repeat yourself AGAIN!" Hmmm wonder where she has heard that? (Guilty!)
Tree hugger |
My Fall toes! Dont look too closely at the smudge on my baby toe... |
Splits! |
Nothing runs like a deer! She says that and it is beyond cuteness! |
Mischievious X 10 |
♥ them |
Picnic time! |
Hugs! |
♥♥ |
Touching the fountain water! |
Next milk moustache model! |
His new puppy hat from the Well |
♥ him!
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