This weekend was a big one, Whitney dropped the Sechler and became a Dirks. I wonder if it is a bit sad for a mother and father to have their daughters name become different...I think when G gets married, I will be a bit sad to see the Aichele name be no more. Maybe she will be so powerful that he will take her last name?!? Anyways this weekend was super busy and crazy. Surprisingly Whitney seemed to be pretty cool, calm and collected. On Thursday evening almost all the wedding party did a bachelorette party at the nail spa in Hutch and then we ate at Carlos O Kelleys afterwards. G wanted to join but had to stay back this time. On Friday we decorated the church. Actually I chased G and Ace around while everyone else decorated. I finally gave in to Ace's whines and laid him down in the nursery for a little cat nap. We got it all done in about an hour. We ate lunch and headed home for naps. When we went back over, Matt, B and Dash were there! We were very excited to see how big Dash had grown and of course see Auntie B and Uncle Matty! Later we had the rehearsal dinner at the church and munched on some AMAZING lasagna, salad and brownie sundaes. Matt and I decided that brownie sundaes are probably the best dessert in the world! I am not a huge pasta fan, but this lasagna was out of this crazy world! Luke was in heaven, as lasagna is his favorite meal. Luke took all 3 beans (D was with us for the weekend) home and I went over to Mom and Dad's to make mints. We worked on them until 10:45pm. I was so tired and the next morning would be an early rising.
Saturday morning we got up and ready for the big day. Misty and Ashley, Josh's sisters, came over to watch D, G, Ace and Chloe for the morning. We got ready at the church and then ran home to grab the children for pictures. Ace was sooo over pictures from the get go, so he was a lot of fun. (S.A.R.C.A.S.M) Thankfully the photographer was pretty good with quick shots and dealing with little ones. Ace got down the aisle fine, mainly because he was in the wagon, but G stood at the back of the church with her arm covering her face. I hope this isnt a glimpse of what will happen at her wedding, that could be a disaster for her and her husband to be! She walked a few steps and then was lovingly nudged down by her Nana. Then Ace decided to say "Mama" throughout 90% of the ceremony...Other than the Aichele monsters getting their 15 minutes of fame, it all went well! G boogied on down at the reception and did it well past 9:30! She told Cassie the next day that she was a "Party Animal!" (Her words exactly!)
Sunday funday was a relaxing kind of day. We slept in, well G and D and I got up at 7 (or 8 since it was Daylight Savings) and hung with the little man. We ate breakfast and played until the girlies got up around 9:30, then went to Walmart to grab a few things and walk thru .every.Christmas.aisle.again. G thinks that Christmas and the book section is just routine at Walmart. That evening we went over to The Dirks, Josh's parents, for dinner and wedding gift opening. We ate that amazing lasagna again and more wedding cake! Delish!
Monday was back to the grind and I tell you what, I was so ready for routine again! We did family pictures with Pam. They were an epic fail on Ace's part. He is just not a photo guy. The only thing that would calm him down was the You Tube video of Yo Gabba Gabba on my phone. (I knew there was a reason for getting an iPhone) Whew! What a mess we have gotten ourselves into with this little man. On the way home Luke told me to clear my evening the next night, because I have soo much going on. What for you may ask?? Well my loving husband got me a massage since I have been pretty stressed lately. ♥ him to pieces! He is such a good guy to me. Very thankful God made such a "perfect for me" person.
G and Lo having a serious convo. |
Precious Dash sleeping on the floor. Impressed that he was on his back and out within 2 minutes! |
Only because I liked my makeup on the wedding day. |
Pretty girl |
Acer! |
Cutie Patooties! |
Party Boy! Getting ready to go home after the reception, too much partying for this fella! |
Dancing Queen! |
G and Dash! Cousin ♥ |
Hanging with Mama♥ |
First off, the lasagna was amazing! YUM!. Secondly, Gentry was a party animal! Thirdly, that pic of Ace standing up in his outfit for the wedding is adorable! Miss those kiddos!