Since it has been a while since last blog, I will enter all the happenings bullet-style:
*Weekly playdates with Kylie, Ava, Parker, Amanda, Garrett and Kaydee, love them!
*No more morning naps for Ace K! His afternoon naps are awesome and he goes to bed around 8 almost every night!
*While playing at the Infant/Toddler center we saw a helicopter land at the hospital to pick up a patient. The beans were very intrigued with all the action and G wanted to get up close to watch them take the patient in. Later we learned it was Josh's dad who had a heartattack. Thankfully he is okay though!
*Went to a shower for Katy and then went to the Easter Egg hunt at the church. Ace won some Resurrection Eggs and G got a bubble wand.
*Watched We Bought A Zoo and highly recommend it. G wants to buy it because she liked it so much and urges everyone to "Shhhhh" when the commercial comes on so she can enjoy it and smiles:)
*Since we have been having lots of rain, which I love, there have been many rough nights, that I don't love. G is scared and constantly comes in asking to "tuck her in". Kinda tough to see the cuteness at 1:43am, 1:48am, 1:53am and so on....
*Went to G's Easter party at school and played games with them as well as sang some Easter songs.
*G had a sleepover with Auntie Itty and Chloe that evening. She didn't get home until the next evening and I missed her like crazy. It was nice to have mommy/Ace time but I still missed my little G bean.
*A fellow MOPS goer unexpectedly passed away on the 31st. Amanda and I went to the funeral together as her mom babysat Ace and Amanda's 2 beans. It is incredibly sad that she passed as she has a 3 month old and 2.5 yr old. I can't even imagine.
*Got G the Fresh Beat Band CD so we can prep for the upcoming concert! Learning dance moves and all. Kidding....maybe:/
*Ran a 10K early Saturday morning. Luke and the beans were there to cheer me on! It rained all morning and only by the works of God did it stop in time for the race and started back up not more than 5 minutes afterwards! And I beat my goal time! Rewards ensued: Chipotle and a Grande Soy Latte!
*EASTER! Church with our neighbor Jeff (his wife and children were out of town), Resurrection Eggs with the beans, lunch at Mom and Dads, egg hunt after lunch, ate way too much candy, went back after naps to visit with Nana B. Poor little Gertrude (Remember that B?) fell and broke her thumb the day before and didn't realize it was broken until the next afternoon. That little lady....
*Shopping in Wichita with the beans, Destiny, Maci and Nana. Came to the conclusion, Ace isn't a shopper. G is as long as there is a reward somewhere along the way...
*MOPS. Was somber since this was the first meeting since Tamara's passing.
*FINALLY got my dress for Austin's wedding and Brian's wedding. Yup rocking the same dress two wedding weekends in a row. Same people won't be at both, I hope... Luke will be but I am sure he is fine with me only buying one dress:)
*As I was bathing the babies Tuesday night, I told G not to splash my glasses since I can't see without them. I told her I have bad eyes and she looked at me with complete seriousness and said "Oh Mommy you have perfect eyes, a perfect nose and perfect lips because Jesus wanted you to have these!" Wow reality check by a three year old!
*Made homemade Whole Wheat Blueberry Banana bread and it was the bomb diggity! Didn't last long though because G and I ate it pretty quick! Hey its whole wheat and it has fruit in it.
*Luke traded off his truck, which I really liked, for a Harley and an older Nissan truck. He trades more than anyone I know, but thats his thing I guess. At least he always gets a good deal so I am not too worried. He just better leave my soccer mom van alone:)
See that sprinter, that's me nearing the finish line. Blurry because I am soo fast! (Or Luke had it on the wrong setting, I like the first reason more.) |
Looking silly, but really I was telling him I felt like I was gonna be sick because I was sprinting and then came to a complete stop, not good on the 'ol stomach. |
Easter morning breakfast of cheesy eggs and fresh fruit salad |
The bunny did come after all;) |
G with her basket |
D with her basket |
Twinsies I tell ya! Look at those eyes and the expression! |
Easter ♥'s |
Silly beans |
Egg hunting |
Stylin' and profilin' |
♥♥♥ Ace looks a bit disturbed though |
Love my G bean |
Ace K wearing the bike helmet |
G's own hair style creation |
With his lovies, Zsa Zsa (what he calls his chick) and Brobee |
Cakepops ensued! BTW tried G's Raspberry Truffle and it is AHHH-MAZING! |
Fresh Beat Band CD! Party time in the van! |
Race records! |
G's celebatory ice cream. (She was celebrating my finishing on the 10K) |
Mall rides |
Ace on his Vroom Vroom and Zsa Zsa was on the dash of it. |
G with Stuart Little |
This is what they will look like riding to school together:) |
Cracks.Me.Up! |
Sleeping baby |
Holding his new "Vroom Vroom". He had to have one like Daddy. |
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