Since time has gotten the best of me, I will do the bullet style post again!
*Ace likes to call Maci "Nene".
*G saw a picture of Pinnochio and called him "Okie Dokie O".
*Ate Cinco De Mayo dinner at the Country Club and Ace had his 1st golf cart ride, which is certainly not his last, he loved it!
*Went to Hutchinson Zoo with G's class one evening. The Zoo was more of a snake, spider exhibit with a dinosaur play area, but G enjoyed it. Just to sum it up, the trolley ride went around a wooded area with wooden statues of animals, not real ones:/
*Had our final MOPS meeting for the semester and I made some A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Maple cream rolls!
*Destiny lost her front tooth and looks very cute. I told G she looked like a jack-o-lantern so G tells her now she looks like a pumpkin patch. She tries:)
*Ace learned how to say "Auntie".
*G learned how to write the letters A-P! She is rocking at it! My goal for summer is to teach her how to write all letters, numbers 1-10 and tie her shoes! Almost got the 1st part done, sahwheet!
*G got a pedicure at Nana's by the best nail techs, Maci and I! She was a real diva though and expected her hands and feet rubbed at the same time, really G?? :)
*May Day 2012, the beans did great watching the parade. We went to the carnival afterwards for a short while and G rode the roller coaster with Amelia, the boats with both Ace and Amelia and did the slide with Daddy, and I rode with Ace. Fun times! Afterwards we went over the Brian Hopp's new sno cone shack and ate lunch with his family.
*Wichita for Fresh Beat Band with Whitney, Maci and Chloe! Sooo stinkin fun! I had a major desire to stand up and dance, but figured the little 4 year olds and their mothers behind us maybe a bit ticked. So I happily bounced in my seat. Loved spending all day with my G bean:)
*Met Ashley for coffee. So great to catch up with my BFF.
*Mother's Day 2012. Was the epitome of laziness the whole day and loved every second of it. We went to Mom and Dad's for a BBQ that evening. I made some smashing desserts from one of my favorite blogs, Dashing Dish. (The frappucino frozen pie and the Coconut cake that I turned into a trifle.)
*Luke's grandparents came through on their way home from visiting family in Texas. We ate dinner with them and then went to Luke's 1st softball game, they won! We love visiting with them.
*G had her last day of preschool. It was bittersweet. We spent the day doing things she loves: Picnic at the park, coffee shop treat and games and coloring with mommy. I ♥ G so much and the fact that she loves hanging in coffee shops makes her 10X cooler, if that's possible!
*While swinging G loves me to push her "high to the sky" and do "under
puppies". Ace now says "under puppy mama". Fun kiddos we've got!
G with her teachers, Mrs Goodell and Mrs Yoder |
Ace at the Zoo playground |
Milking the cow! |
Showing me his smile! |
May Day 2012 |
On the boats, cousin ♥ |
Slide War! |
Fresh Beat Band! |
Rocking their new shirts and glow sticks! Total party girls! |
Fresh Beat Band! |
♥♥♥♥♥ (Oh Hey Rosie!) |
Baskin Robins after the concert! |
The teacher gifts I made, tough! |
Mother's Day 2012 ♥♥ |
On Guitar, Kiki! (Dressed like Kiki from FBB) |
New Hope baseball teams |
Ace got into the baby powder and it smelled nasty! |
G's photography skills. |
The cutest little chef I know! |
G's diva day! |