Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

What a way to ring in the New Year..hugging a toilet:/ No not what you are thinking, Luke was sick and I mean sick and I was just sick. I had to call Maci at 7:30 am to come rescue us. It is rather impossible to take care of a super active 3 year old and a whiny, gotta eat when I get out of bed or I will stand in my crib and yell Mama until you come get me, 1 year old. Thankfully she was over in 10 and helped me get them ready and took them for the morning. Thank God for a wonderful, loyal family. After 12ish I started feeling a little better, more than I can say for my other half. I called and had Maci bring the beans back home for naptime. G and I watched Strawberry Shortcake and napped. Luke is still on the mend and has taken tomorrow off as well, so hopefully come Tuesday he will back, ready to attack!
   Ace has had a few milestones that I super excited about! On the 26th while we were at John and Katy's, he grabbed my cup and drank through the straw! He has been messing with the straws, but never quite got the hang of it, until now! I was so excited I would clap and give him a high five. So he started sipping just to clap for himself or high five me:)  
   The next one is talking in a sentence, well rather short sentence, but none the less a sentence! We were at Nana and Papa's on Wednesday the 27th and I said "Tell Nana bye-bye". So he looked at her and said "Buh-bye Na Na" just like that! Perfection!   The next day as Luke was leaving for work, he said "Buh bye Da da"! What a little sweetie and of course he smiled with proudness!
   G on the other hand has become a little lady before my eyes. I have always known she is a talker, but this week she has shown me she likes to have conversation, at all times.  As we were sitting down for lunch one day, we were eating in silence and she looks at me and says, "So...what do you want to be for Christmas next year?". Then as we were driving home from running errands, again in silence, she says,"So Mommy, what kind of music did you listen to while you were running at the Y?". She is so precious and yet never fails to make me laugh or smile:)
  We got the pleasure of celebrating Dash's 1st birthday a little early! He had a super cute Gnome themed birthday. Matt and B did a wonderful job of putting it together. Happy 1st Dasher! We love you lots little guy!
   We have had our fair share of sickness in the Aichele home lately. Ace woke up sick on Friday morning. The Dr told us it was probably a stomach flu and thankfully it was just a 24 hour thing, but his appetite is still not back. Then of course Luke and I got a touch of it. (Him more a full blown touch and me just a little light touch). We are praying that G bean doesn't get anything. She goes back to school on Wednesday and very excited to get back to seeing her friends and teachers. Like I have said before, she is a routine oriented gal, just like me:)
   So here is 2012 being a healthy and equally happy year!
..................Will upload pictures at a different time, something isn't allowing them to upload.......

1 comment:

  1. I love that G asked you that about your music at the Y! How adorable. Shows she really processes information quite well! And yay for Acer drinking from a straw! Time to get him a glass one :) Ha... Maybe not. Love you all. Glad you're feeling better.
