I am so glad to say that Ace is officially a walking baby! He only crawls like 4% of the time, awesome. I think he is happier too because he can keep up with G, a little better. She still insists on trying to pick him up and drag him like a doll, then he screams his head off...a never ending game in her pretty little head.
Tuesday we started our 1st day of MOPS for the 2011-2012 year. It went wonderfully and both kiddos stayed in their class. When I went to get Ace, he was literally passed out, with his arms spread apart laying on some highschool boys lap. He was also a sweaty little monster, either from playing so hard or throwing a massive fit, I am guessing the 1st one is true. (Lie, probably the 2nd) We went to Salina afterwards with Whitney and Chloe. We raided the Dollar Tree for some fun Fall finds as well as some household items that we couldnt believe were there and at only a dollar as well! Sometimes when you walk through there you catch yourself saying, "Is this really only a dollar?". It really is:) We also hit up Peels and Target. As we were walking into Target, G was holding my hand and looked up at me and said "Mommy I love Target. It is my favorite." Gosh I love that little girl.
Wednesday we did our normal activity, which now includes taking Destiny to school by 8, the Y till 8:45 and then over to the preschool by 8:55. We pretty much have it down, which makes this mama very happy. I love my schedules, a little too much. (Thats what Luke tells me) Ace and I went to Luke's shop after we dropped off G for a clean up. That little man's hair grows so fast. We put a cape on him this time and he did awesome!
Thursday morning, Maci came over after we got done at the Y for some homade Pumpkin Lattes. I found an awesome recipe and it tastes soo good!
http://peasandthankyou.com/recipage/?recipe_id=6000237&prev_term=Pumpkin When Gentry got up from her nap that afternoon, she said "I want a latte mom." Ha she is so funny. I secretly love it though that she already likes coffee. I plan these scenarios in my head that when she is older, we will go get pedicures together and end up at Starbucks and be sipping lattes having girl talk. Awww I cant wait! After Luke got off work we went and grocery shopped and I think it is the 1st time, that I can remember, that Ace didnt completely lose it in the store! Thank goodness because I was starting to dread shopping and before it was kinda relaxing for me.
Friday we went to the Y and then G had to get another shot, as she wasnt quite up to date for her school requirements. It wouldnt have been a big deal except that the last time we were at the health dept for Ace, she asked if she had to get any more and I told her "No not until you are 4." Then her teacher told us she had to have another Hep A :/ So we had the appt and I didnt tell her about it until that morning. She didnt seem to let it bother her much, phew! I also had bought a Hello Kitty drink bottle the night before as a peace offering. She did fine until the shot was before her eyes. She said "Oh no I dont want this anymore..." Well sorry little one, not your choice. She did great and just repeated "Ouchie" probably 17 times and the proceeded to tell me "I cant walk mommy. This arm hurts so bad!" Well we made it out and 10 or so minutes later she announced "I forgot about like you told me and it doesnt hurt anymore!" What a sport! We went to our first home football game as a family. We went early to tailgate (whatever that means when you go to a highschool game) with some friends. There was all kinds of snack foods and G was in heaven because there were brownies. (Look for "funny things G say"s at the end of this blog) We got to our seats and only 23 minutes into the game, I tried to pick up G and situate her on my lap and my wedding ring fell OFF! I was in panic mode immediatly! I started frantically unpacking the bag and looking everywhere. Before I knew it the whole stand that we were seated in was on the ground looking for this "White gold, sqaure diamond with a diamond band ring"...I went through my bag at least 3 times and I started to think I had really lost it. Luke told me to look one more time through the bag and still nothing, then I checked a pocket that is rather deep. Lo and behold, there was my ring, phew! I stood up holding it and felt like an idiot because it was in the bag, but at least they were all happy I found it. I thanked them and repeatedly apologized and was probably crimson faced the whole time. What a way to start the game, they won though! Go PUPS!
Today we went to breakfast at Neighbor's Cafe. I ran there to meet Luke and the beans. I was a sweaty mess when I got there, despite the 50 degree weather. Ace more than made up for the mess I was, by being 12X worse! He screamed and kicked and head butted me. Sometimes I wonder why this child is so tough! We took turns going outside to walk with him. Finally he got his pancake and fruit and was satisfied for a bit. When it was gone, all went to pot again! So we bee-lined for that door! We brought him home to nap and then headed to the fair. It was very chilly but we had fun. Lewis, Amelia and Dave tagged along. Dave, Ace and I watched while they went down the slide and on the Ferris Wheel. Luke won G a plastic blowup Dora doll. Ace ate a pretzel and G and Amelia had Pronto Pups. Lewis, Luke and I all ate Gyros. They are the best! I wish we had somewhere around here that had those year round, love them! We walked around for a few hours and of course got the best Rootbeer ever! We get the same things every year, Gyros and Rootbeers. Funny mine had "floaties" in it, maybe because I was sharing with Ace. Luke said it was because it was Diet, but whatever. We went to Target after we left and also hit up Starbucks for me and Cherry Berry, a self serve fro yo place, for the boys and kiddos. Tonight I think will include alot of relaxing, as I am one tired mama!
I walked in on Wednesday night and this is how she was reading a book.."in her tent" |
The monster emerged! |
Makes me smile♥ |
Slide! |
Feeling a little shaken. She was whining as she asked
"Daddy can I do it again?" |
Dora! |
Cousins! |
Happily eating a pretzel! |
With the chick! |
Haircut monster! |
Slickster |
My dollar store find, yes all that for 1 DOLLAR!
"Funny things that G says"
I asked her what she wanted for dinner this week and she told me "Oh I guess my favorite, chocolate brownies"
Oh that little chocolate lover, wonder where she gets it, muah haha:)
We layed Ace down for a nap and he was playing around before he went to sleep and she goes "Oh I think Ace is just having a party in there Mom!" |