This past week we went to Plano, TX to meet Gavyn and see Cassie. Mom and I drove with the 2 beans. We left Wednesday after she got out of school. It was a pretty good drive, both kiddos did a good job of keeping calm and only have a few minor meltdowns. We also invented (maybe not invented) a miracle...clipping Ace's beloved chick to his seatbelt with Luke's Ohio State balance necklace! He threw it down every 5 minutes from home to Wichita and Nana was tried of unbuckling herself and turning around and retrieving that little booger. Phew that saved us alot of frustrations! We did fine with directions, except once we reached Dallas, we went on the same loop probably 6 times! We finally got there that evening around 10ish and stayed at Bill and Sue's MANSION! Goodness gracious it was beautiful! And it smelled so..clean! Why doesnt my house smell that nice and look that spotless? Oh right because I have 5 monsters to clean up after! (Luke, Ace, G, Max and Sugar, if you were wondering..) When we were about 30 minutes from the arrival, G had just woken up from a cat nap and was so funny! She kept asking where she would sleep, if she could brush her teeth there and told us that she would be so "Shy" in front of Bill and Sue. Ha! She ran into the house and jumped on Bills lap and talked their ears off! Come 11:30, this mama was sooo ready for bed!
Thursday morning we ate breakfast at Bill and Sue's and then headed over to Cassie's place. We were guaranteed to get lost at least once going between Cassie's and Bill and Sue's. We spent all morning eeewwwing and aaahhhing over Gavyn. G loved holding him! She acted like a pro. She would hold him with one arm, eat her snack with the other while watching Dora. Ace wanted to touch his head and then move on, I mean c'mon like he is going to like Mommy paying attention to someone else!?! We loaded up and went to Target, had lunch at Chick Fil A and headed back for nap time, for everyone! We had dinner that evening at Maggianos, an Italian restaurant. I am not a big fan of Italian, but it was pretty good and G has some amazing Mac and Cheese!
Friday we went shopping a $1 Jewelry Galore (awesomeness), Target again,( you just cant get tired of that place!) ate lunch at Taco Cabana (had Derick meet us), shopped at Sam Moon (a must stop in Dallas), Starbucks(Caffine!!) and then headed over to Bill and Sue's for dinner. They grilled Shish Kabobs, and we had all kinds of amazing sides. To end it, we ate this amazing Black Forest Cake!
Saturday we went to Barnes and Nobles to hang out and look at books and grab coffee from the Bux. We wanted to kill some time since we were heading home over lunch. (The beans only kill Cassies apartment. Ace touched everything and almost knocked a decorative gong over onto his head, and had to explore all over the place! He is truely the epitome of a monster, growls and all!) On our way out of Barnes and Nobles, there was a big pink Cinderella carriage in a cupcake shop, 2 of G's favorite things. So we went in to snap a picture and was hoping to skin out without a treat, but there was no way I could say no when she goes "Oh mommy those look so yummy. Can I please get one?" :) We went up and ordered a Apple Spice and a S'mores one for daddy. You can then take them over to the carriage and put your own sprinkles on the cupcakes. Very fun little shop! We ate lunch at Jason's Deli and then said our goodbyes and headed home. We got home that evening around 8:30, perfect timing for bedtime! Happy belated birthday Maci!
Sunday we went to church and Walmart. I fully intended on spending the afternoon on the couch and relaxing, but noooo, the dogs and their muddy paws had a different idea. Buttmunches! So I vaccumed, did laundry, mopped, and baked muffins for the breakfasts the next week. No relaxing done by me:( That evening we had Maci's birthday party at Nana and Papas. We had pizza, salad, homeade wings and delicious mini pumpkin pies that I made. Grandpa also came over for the party. Then home to bed!
Today G had her "1st college visit" at preschool. I went along with the class and we walked over to the Mac College. We went around to different departments, (English, Anatomy, Auto Restoration, Theatre, Art and through the Cafeteria.) G's favorite, besides snack time, was the Theatre, where they put on hats and did funny faces:) I walked with her and Brodie and it was so fun to see how she interacted with the kids. She was actually rather quiet and listened very well, Thank you God! When we got back to the preschool, the kids played outside. I talked with her teacher and asked how she did in class and she said "She does really good. Rather quiet, but if we ask her a question she can really answer it. Just has a little problem staying tuned in"...pretty much what I was expecting. She has a very short attention span, but then again so do I:/ All in all she seemed very pleased with what she did know though, so thats a plus. I looked over to find her and she was on the tire swing with Brodie and Ava and they were all giggling and screaming in pure bliss, made me smile.
Funny things by G: Since we drove around in one car while in Dallas, we put G in the back with Gavyn. We had dropped Cassie and Gavyn off for the evening and she was still in the back as we drove over the Bill and Sues. It was a little past bedtime so they were tired and quiet, until out of nowhere, she goes "Ummm I am feeling a little leftout back here!" Haha. Mom and I busted out laughing!
On Friday while shopping, it was close to 2:15ish and she had made a comment earlier about being a little tired, so she asked "Mom where am I going to take my nap today?" How many 3 year olds ask where they will take their nap? Most kids will happily skip theirs, but not her!
On the drive there, she kept telling Mom and I that she was going to teach Gavyn games on the computer and she really hoped his tummy was out, because it would be "so tute" (cute)
Eating his favorite thing ever! |
At the Chick Fil A play area |
Cam wow fun! |
Baby G |
G ♥ X 2 |
My pumpkin lover! |
At Sugar Queen Cupcakes! |