So Luke left for Indiana on Thursday night and we had a really good weekend despite the fact my other parental half was MIA. We stayed busy by doing the pumpkin patch on Friday. We went with MOPS and Maci decided to join us along with Whit, Chloe and Destiny. It was very chilly that morning but fun. We went to Salina afterwards and had lunch and shopped at a few stores to get all my items for the projects I planned to finish. We got home and I was ready to get to work! I got the bench put together in 30 minutes flat! After dinner Maci came over to help me with the hooks for the makeshift mudroom and I swear it...30 minutes we tried getting the screws in the wall and they wouldn't budge! I even electric screwdrived (if that's a word) my finger! Yowza! So we stopped for the night. :)
Saturday we walked with Dawn and Kadence and ran to Wal Mart. Then Whit and Chloe came over to help me with the house. Well technically they just came by for Chloe to play with G and I coaxed Whitney into helping with my home projects, because she is a do-it-yourself kinda gal:) She gracefully screwed those dang hooks into the wall and did all 4 within 2 minutes flat! Then helped me paint the bathroom and hang hooks. I am so thankful she came over, because I probably would have only had 3/4 of it done by the time Luke got home.
Luke got home Monday evening around 6 and arrived home to a hot fresh homemade meal. I made him baked chicken topped with apples, cheesy potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts. It was delicious! Luke was very impressed with all the changes I did while he was gone!
Wednesday morning I woke up feeling kinda achy and had a sore throat. I did the normal morning routine and felt a little better. So I figured oh I am just tired or something...I took a nap and woke up so achy and my throat was 10X worse! I went to decorate for the Halloween Carnival that was to take place the next evening. Our sorority, along with the surrounding sororities, put on the Carnival each year at the Community Building. We got done and I felt Terrible with a capital "T"! I went home and took a Tylenol PM and went to bed, or at least tried. I was up at least once and hour shivering or aching. The next morning I got up to get Ace out of bed and nearly passed out. So I called Maci to see if she could come save me! Of course being the awesome sister, more importantly friend, she was there in less than 10. I got into the Dr in the morning and had strep RX by 1! I went the whole day praying that the meds would kick in sooner than later. Unfortunantly I had to rely on Tylenol to get me through the day. Thankfully both beans were extremely good and not whiny at all.
This morning was a little better but still sore throat. I got out to do and few things with Maci in tow. She is a lifesaver, because a mother isn't allowed any sick days.
Ace loves pushing this stroller with his chick and sippy cup in tow. |
Pretty proud of his Brobie pumpkin. (Notice his Yo Gabba shirt) |
So sad all her pumpkins are gone. |
Ready to get pumpkins. What a good looking bunch of beans:) |
Straight up 3 foot tall! |
Straight up 4 ft tall. One more and she will be as tall as me:/ |
Got a little 2 footer (plus 2 inches) on our hands. Cutest little 2 feet I have ever seen:) |
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He loved the mini slide |
Tried to get a good picture of them all but this is typical... |
My Pintrest inspired design. I am in ♥ with that site! |
My other design. |
Ace laying on the floor watching Pooh the Movie. |
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