Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year, along with February 14th, July 8th, July 28th and August 9th, December 24th and 25th:) I love the meaning of the day, because I have learned just how thankful I really am. I cant possibly deserve all the great things I have, but very thankful that God has given these blessings to me.
We spent Turkey Day watching the Macy's Day Parade, (G kept thinking Maci would be on the T.V.) lunch at Nana and Papas and relaxing the rest of the day. We stuffed ourselves silly with the plethera of delicious food! We had all the normal dishes and I made a Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle, Mini SF Maple Pecan Pies (for Papa) and some awesome Garlic Roasted veggies! As I was tucking G in bed, I asked her to tell me some things she was thankful for, and what she said will always stick with me and melt my heart: I am thankful for Jesus and that he loves my whole heart. ♥♥♥Beyond preciousness!
Black Friday was a rather peaceful experience. Mom, Maci, Ace and I braved the dreaded crowds in Wichita that morning and it wasn't that bad. We got some good deals and I am around 95% finished with Christmas gifts! Ace joined the fun since he wasn't feeling the best and I didn't want him to be too whiny for the sitter. He actually did a great job and was very snuggly little man:) I love having one on one time with my beans. It doesn't happen often, so I take advantage of when I can. That evening we had the Aichele family Thanksgiving at out house. We had smoked turkey and it is so good! We have been doing that the past few years and I really enjoy that, since it is different from what my family does.
Today was the much anticipated mommy daddy get away to KC....that wasn't:/ On our way out of town, we decided to just go to Wichita instead of the 3 hour drive to KC. So we shopped at Dick's and headed to the Mall and as we were walking around Luke mentioned he was feeling weak and looked rather pale. So we went to get some lunch. After we ate he said he felt a bit better so we went to VS, Barnes and Nobles and Nature's Grocer. The movie we had planned to see didn't start for another 1.5 hours and Luke still wasn't feeling up to par and I really missed the beans, so we decided to head back early. So much for the weekend away that we had planned for the last month or so! Oh well it was a nice kid free shopping trip for the time being.
Trying to catch the snowflakes on her tongue! |
Another try! |
Enjoying the snowfall with her hot cocoa. |
♥ X 3! Love Chlor's face in this shot:) |
Muah! |
Poor Acie. He wasn't feeling his turkey shirt that Whit and I made him:( |
I like the picture of G laying with her feet propped up on the door with her hot cocoa! Such a luxe life. :) Excited to see those beans again! The pic of G, Chloe, and Ace K is really cute too.