This week has been nothing short of a nightmare! It started with Ace having this nagging sickness that comes and goes, but is TOTALLY unwelcome! While we were at the Dr, she mentioned that we must be on the 3 week schedule, since we have been there every 3 weeks the last 9 weeks! What??? This is absurd! Somethings got give. So as we are fighting his crud, G starts in. She is never sick and I mean never! The child has literally had one bad bout of sickness in her whole 3.5 precious years of life. This time it really got the precious baby down. She missed school on Wednesday and we missed the Y all week. That really got us down. I say "Us" because she loves her friends there and Ace loves Megan, the girl that takes care of them. She is the best! I use that as my outlet, and I didn't get that this week. As a matter of fact, I had no outlet! We were stuck in the house all week. To catch a break, we got out and drove around because this mama was going stir crazy! Then Thursday morning Luke said he was going in to the Dr because of a nagging stomach pain that wouldn't go away. At first we thought it was appendicitis, but the cat scans came back showing something else. We spent Thursday evening in the ER trying to see what was going on. Gosh I hate being in that area, as it reminds me of the darn lung collapse I endured:/ We were there for around 2.5 hours, mostly waiting on Dr.'s and their thoughts on the this mystery. Friday morning he had to go into the hospital to do a cat scan with a barium drink test. He said it was the most disgusting chalky drink ever! G had to drink this when she was 3 months old and I remember forcing it down the poor babies throat. I am sure the picture of Luke choking it down was about the same as 3 month old G, maybe worse:/ Love him like crazy, but he is a little bit of a baby when it comes to illnesses. Ha! He knows I think this so it is okay to say:) After that and some blood tests, which he also hates, they came to the conclusion of calling this weird problem an infection in his small intestine. He is on antibiotic so we shall see if this clears it up. If not, God help us all!
Needless to say I am very ready to get back to our life on a schedule! I have also learned that health is something to never take for granted! Also this week I plan to find my sanity again, as last week it was thrown out the window. :)
At the Dr again, but at least he is happy! |
The Sunday before the sickness went down! Beauty and The Beast 3D. I wore my glasses so I had to place the 3D ones over the top...very weird feeling. |
Explains how we were feeling that day, a little wonky |
Had to pay a few bills so G brought her throw up bowl, gross I know but not as bad as having puke all over the van! |
Pintrest curls! Party girl even when she is sick |
After! Beautiful! |
Describes how she was feeling all week. She snapped this of herself... |
Sleeping with a pretzel bite in his mouth! |
Another photo session by G♥ |
I love the photo g took of herself! I'm so glad you guys are feeling better! Health is so important. Love you all so much. Auntie b