Sunday, August 14, 2011

Geriatric Unit???

These past few days we have had Auntie Maci over to help us out. She has been a life saver for me and the beans are just getting that much more attatched to her! We havent been out doing much, but that doesnt mean there wasnt any excitment:/ Gentry was her normal crazy, sassy self. Her Papa Richard gave her the nickname "Pepper" when she was only a few months old and man did he nail it on the head! She is a spicy little thing! Ace has been trying so hard to walk but realizes that crawling is just easier. He has walked 6 steps so far! Matt, B and Dash have gone back to Indiana. They left on Saturday morning. Hopefully Matt will get a job that is closer to home soon! Ace would love to have his buddy Dash live closer:) In other not so exciting news, Luke was playing in the church softball tournament on Saturday and dove to catch a ball and rolled over on his wrist....causing a hair fracture on his wrist and a chip fracture on his pinkie:/  The only good thing is, if there is one, is that it was his right hand and he is left handed! We shall see how cutting hair goes tomorrow! Luke and I joke that we have become a geriatric unit..funny..maybe not so much now, but in a few months it will be. We went to Walmart and when we got there we were dumb struck when it came to figuring out how we would get the Culligan water tank filled and put back in the cart, something that normally I do and think nothing of it! I guess you have to laugh about some things so you dont cry:)

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