Sitting on the big boy potty! Whenever he needs to poo-poo,
he gets severly constipated, so we
sit him on the toilet and for some strange reason,
he goes there but wont is his diaper! |
Monday morning we started out with our normal routine and got Destiny after we finished at the Y. Around noon daddy came home early to stay with Ace and Destiny while I took G to her 1st eye exam. There is a program here called See-to-learn that the local eye doctors participate in as well as the preschools. They do compliementary exams so we took advantage of that! She did wonderful, even though she kept telling Dr Hageman, "Ok I am done now!" Or she would yawn and then start giggling and say "I am tired momma. I am ready for my nap"! ( It was a noon appt and ran a little late) She did great and has good eyes! Heres to hoping she doesnt get my horrible eyesight! After naps we celebrated her doing a great job by going to the Cake Lady and got sugar cookies:) Afterwards we went to the library and then came home to eat dinner and head to VBS. Luke had his final game this evening and lost (YAY! No more hot games). We went by for 20 minutes after I got done helping at VBS.
Tuesday we went to the Y and then went on a unexpected shopping trip with Whitney and Maci. I had a groupon that I had to use before July 30th and I know that I wasnt gonna make it so we went along! We got some new shirts for preschool for G, a polo for Ace and some flip flops for me! I bought the groupon with the intention of buying myself some new clothes but that just happen anymore, oh well. We went to lunch at Carlos O' Kelley's and then stopped at State Beauty for some beauty goods. When we got home the beans napped for a while and then we ate dinner and I headed to VBS. Afterwards I took G over to Nana's for the much anticipated slumber party! She kept G, Chloe, Destiny, Hunter and Addi! Brave soul she is! Then at 8 I had a meeting for MOPS. I am a care group leader this year and so excited for it to start!
This morning Luke, Ace and I headed to Hutch for Luke's follow-up appt with Dr Kelley for his skin cancer spots. He had to have 2 more spots froze off (with liquid nitrogen) and then 2 scraped/burned off:( He wasnt too thrilled when they came in with the numbing needles, so Ace and I went out to the waiting room so the jumping bean could get down and do his thing! Unfortuantly the type of spots that Luke gets are hereditary, (His mom had a bunch of spots removed as well), we will have to be extra careful with G and Ace and ensure they are covered in sunscreen. After we left there we made the cant miss stop, the Bux! I got my new fav, Half Caff Soy Latte. Ahhhh paradise. Why is it that just being in that store puts me in a happy mood? I love the ambiance of it:) This afternoon we plan to go see Nana B and then back to VBS!
Something funny G has been saying is "Can I boom you" Which sounds kind of naughty but only means "Can I jump on you?" She is so silly:) Ace has his 3rd tooth popping thru on the top and has been saying
Nana, Dada, Papa, and Mama! ♥it! Also he walked the family room while pushing his walking toy! He will be walking in no time I hope!
Posing with the plastic dog in Old Navy |
Sleeping baby:) He soothed himself to sleep by sucking on G's hat tag:/ |
Another dog pose. Dog from VS this time:) |
G sleeping on the way home from Salina |
Gosh I hate these toys! She was very proud that she crawled to the top! |
G playing on the merry-go-round! |
Swinging at the park!
Posing with the plastic dog in Old Navy
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