Wow it has been 4 days already since we last wrote! Those days flew by! Monday was a pretty normal day, we went by G's soon to be preschool after we got done at the Y! She was so excited to see the playground where she will get to play in the Fall! It looks really cute. There is a carwash and gas station for play cars to drive thru, sandbox, tire swing and little slides, perfect for her:) That evening was one of daddy's last softball games. It was a double header and super hot out so unfortunantly we didnt make it out. But they won one game and lost the second, only by 2 points though!
Searching for a snack! |
Tuesday we did our normal rountine and Destiny came over around 11 that morning. Since we didnt get to all celebrate Lukes birthday we went to Daimarus that evening. It is a hibachi japanese steakhouse that he loves! We had Dave join us as well as Papa, Nana, Austin, Whit, Josh and Lolo.
D and I heading to Salina. ♥ this little girl |
My blue-eyed baby |
My ham of a daughter |
Gosh she looks like me as a child |
Chicken and shrimp! |
FIRE! G was a bit scared over this part! |
Lukes Japanese style birthday cake! |
Flaming Onion! |
Wednesday we went to the Y and over to lunch with Auntie Maci. Then after naps I took Destiny, G and Ace K to the Y for swimming time! The pool is really neat because there isnt a deep end so it is ideal for children! G could even walk in one part and she could barely believe it when I kept saying "Put your feet down and walk"! She would look at me like I was crazy. (I am most of the time:) Also there is a huge palm tree that is surrounded by little fountains and she loved that!
A funny thing she has been saying lately is "Oh Ace's trunks remind me of my friends on facebook"! Ha I love that little lady. Ace has been standing on his own this week so it is a matter of time until the little fella takes off! Also we have 2 more teeth coming in. We are praying that he isnt fussy as he was last time he got a quad of teeth:/
We are gearing up for our weekend vacay to Kansas City! We are super excited to get away for a while and G can barely wait to.....go swimming in the hotel pool! The simplest things make this sweet♥ happy!
Ace is SOO cute standing in the pantry... D got her hair chopped! She's so cute :) And that pic of G looks so much like you as a kid, you're right!! Miss my little boogers :)