Today is Gentry's 3rd birthday! When she got up she came into our room and I said Happy Birthday Miss Gentry and she said "Hey I am Gentry Gingersnap!" So for today she went by that name:) I told her she could eat, play and do anything she wanted for her special day, so here is what we did:
We started the day with her breakfast of choice, doughnuts! Then off to the Y for a small birthday celebration with her Y friends! They ate rice krispie treats on a stick dipped in chocolate with sprinkles on top! Megan, one of the girls that works there, said Ace kept crawling up to the table, pulled himself up and stared at the treats! In time little man! After we left there we headed home to let Ace nap for a while before her 3 yr old checkup. She is a healthy little lady! 37.25 inches tall and 36lbs, 36lbs of sassiness! She passed all the tests that the Dr did on her, yay! After we left there we went to Nana's for a while before lunch. Auntie Whit and Lolo gave her their gift, a horse and doll and then Maci gave her a Tangled book that came with a brush that plays the music when you brush your hair! She was very excited for both! On to Pizza Hut for lunch! We had daddy's friend, Gordon, meet us there too! G filled her healthy little 3 yr old belly with pizza, pasta, a breadstick and pudding! Ace enjoyed pears, pudding and olives off mama's salad! After leaving there, we headed home for naps. Next stop was back to Nana's to play with Destiny and Lolo! I had to go to VBS for the final night so the beans hung out with Nana and Maci. When I got finished, we got daddy and went to end G's birthday with a bang at The Deli! She got a grilled cheese, carrots and dip and chips! Ace polished off a grilled cheese and a pickle! It was raining out, so I figured it was a perfect evening for Broccoli Cheese soup! Nana, Papa and Maci also joined us! After we ate, G got to choose what ever pie flavour she wanted and to my surprise, she chose FRUIT! Wow, that sure made mama happy:) Maybe she has learned that after eating all that sugar sometimes it is nice to eat things that are nutrient rich and make you feel good:) She even got it go because she said her tummy was full. When we got home, Daddy and her looked through her new Mouse About The House book and off to bed! Whew what a fun and busy birthday! Tomorrow we have to make the double layered Strawberry Shortcake cake for the party on Saturday! I thank God every night for such a sweet, precious baby girl he has blessed Luke and I with:) Thanks God! ♥
Starting out the day with a "healthy" doughnut! |
With her books from Mommy and Daddy |
At the Dr! |
Thanks Auntie Itty and Lolo |
Thanks Auntie Maci/Pooka the Panda |
At Pizza Hut with Destiny! |
Playing dress up at The Deli! |
I am 3! |
Enjoying big boy food! |
Great picture with Nana and Papa! |
This day was all about THIS gal:) |
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