On Thursday we started out with our normal routine and then we went to a puppet show at the library! We stayed for most of it but G was a little less than interested so we went up to look at some books and headed home. That evening we had Dave over for spaghetti and went to look at a car for daddy. ( He randomly sold the Dodge...)
Friday was July 1st already!?!? Where did June go? Only 27 days until G turns 3:( Today we went to Wichita with Auntie Maci and Nana. Maci went to a graduation while we went to State Beauty to get some hair colour. Then we headed over to Sephora!!! and the mall. We went to lunch at Panera and ended at Target. Gentry got a super cute birthday outfit and some new flip flops. When we got home, G, Ace and I were all running on very short naps so the energy level was crazy for the beans and not so much for me! But Ace was cracking up at everything! He was in just his diaper and he kept trying to crawl the wall on G's Dora couch. The velcro on the diaper would get caught and the diaper came off and he went balls to the wall (not literally) trying to get away from me! LOL Very funny! He got his diaper off at least 3 times! They do say when your child takes off their diaper, it is a a sign they are ready to potty train! Kidding, but they do say that:) Gentry thought it was so funny, she kept saying "Mommy, Ace is alarious!" Love the way that little lady talks!
G rocking Auntie Maci's sunnies |
Ace K showing off his 4 teeth |
Naked booty! |
Today we went back to Wichita so I could get a pedicure from Tiffany at her new salon Salon Teased. I forgot my camera so I could take pictures of it. It has an urban, industrial look to it! Very cool! It was good to see Tiff again. Daddy., Ace and G drove around and went to look at a truck while I got pampered. I got a really cool green polish:) Then we went to Chipotle for lunch. Ace ate black beans, rice and corn and G got a chicken burrito and these yummy lime salted tortilla chips! Then Daddy met his friend there and they left for a quick casino visit and the beans and I headed to Barnes and Nobles. We were in there for nearly an hour! The time flew by. We love love love books:) Even Ace is getting to where he will sit still and pay attention for a short story, like one worded pages:) G loves books and I love it! Then we hit up Starbucks, what is a Wichita trip without that?? I got my normal, Half Caff Soy latte and G got a Birthday Cake pop. When we got back into town we grocery shopped at Walmart. We have been doing a "Good girl chart" for G to help with the naughty beahavior that she has been having. It only took her 2.5 weeks to get 10 stickers!! So she chose a Tangled Barbie as her reward. Bribes are a great motivator for this child:) We spent the evening over at Nana and Papas with Auntie Maci. What a busy few days! No Wichita trips anytime soon, they are exhausting:)
Proud G with her Tangled barbie |
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